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With up to 340 mammal species in Uganda any wildlife enthusiast is in treat to discover a wide range from terrestrial to aquatic and avian diversity. Away from the high density of over 20 species of primates across several dense rainforests and 1070 species of birds that are well known, Uganda’s savanna and grassland national parks are highly stocked with Big game and highlights include game drives, wild camping, boat cruises and wild nature walks.

Uganda’s savanna national parks host herds of Elephants, Nubian Giraffe, Cape Buffalo, over 29 species of Antelopes, Plains Zebra, while the water ways host Nile Crocodile, Hippopotamus. Cats are well represented from the elusive Leopard, Lion and Serval Cats, with Hyena and Jackal occurring plus many smaller angulates.

How to encounter Wildlife Experience in Uganda

Game drives

Uganda’s protected national parks host unique vegetational diversity ranging from savanna woodland, underground forests and large expanses of water ways where aquatic life flourishes. While on game drives through the golden savanna plains, take it slow and enjoy the remote and uncrowded wild places to get up-close and personal to diverse game of the Big 5 list, including Elephants, Cape Buffalo, Nubian Giraffe, several Antelopes. Carnivores include Climbing Lion prides, the elusive Leopard, Hyena and Jackals. Watch the interactions, behavior and sounds in a company of enthusiastic guides to gain insights into the ever-shrinking eco-system of these animals.

Epic Boat cruise

Water is a lifeline of every living organism, on your Untamed safaris take Boat cruises to enjoy the Aquatic resident mammals and other herbivores that come to drink and quench the tropical savanna heat of the day. While in Murchison falls NP, a boat cruise upstream the Nile River will bring you into the full view of the mighty Murchison Falls where the over kilometer river squeezes through a narrow canyon creating a spectacular sight, the riverbanks also teem with Nile Crocodile, birds and other wildlife. Cruise on the Hippo-invested Kazinga Channel in Queen Elizabeth National Park to see schools of Hippos and a diversity of Avian Life plus Elephant, Buffalo, Nile Crocodile and many more. Enjoy the cool waters of L. Mburo National Park to get close to the Nile crocodile and rare bird specials including African Fish eagle, Pied Kingfisher, Striated Heron and the elusive African Fin foot. Sunset cruises and birding trips are done on several lakes and rivers to suit anyone’s interest.

Walks and camping.

Walk on foot; take a Bicycle ride or a Horse ride along the Gentle Herbivores in the company of a ranger to learn more about the Wildlife, Plant life and the whole eco-system. In Selected National Parks one can get close to herds of Giraffe, Topi, Zebra, Impala and rare Eland plus a host of Birdlife in their own backyard to learn and experience various habits and adaptations of these species lifestyles.

Tracking Rhino on foot

The Endangered Rhino has been hunted to extinction in most of its former range SADLY due its “HORN”. In the company of trained ranger guides, you get to walk close to the beautiful Southern White Rhino specie, a close relative of the Northern White Rhino race that once roamed the Northern Uganda Savannas at the 30sq km high security Rhino Sanctuary Camp where a breeding program is being run to restock this once abundant species. Get insights into the unique ecological importance of Rhinos as you follow them in their natural habitat.

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