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Straddling the Kenyan border, the freestanding Mt Elgon National Park was gazette in 1993 to protect a 1145kmvaried eco-zones ranging from afro-montane to bamboo zones and afro-alpine zones. This extinct volcano is the oldest in the region with the broadest base of any mountain (about 80km2) towering from the surrounding flat plains to 4321m asl, making it the 8th highest mountain in Africa. The tallest peaks sit on a jagged caldera (Africa’s biggest) rim that stretches some 8km wide whose floor hosts several crater lakes and hot springs. The parks rich biodiversity is represented in its flora and fauna of 30 mammal species and 350 bird species.

Quick Facts

  • Size: 1,110 km2
  • Altitude: 4,321 masl
  • Mammal species: 30 mammals
  • Bird species: 350 birds
  • Gazetted in: 1993
  • Location: Eastern Uganda

Things to Do while at Mt. Elgon NP

One Day to Multi-Day Hiking Options and short guided Nature Walks

Mount Elgon provides not only a unique and affordable hiking experience similar to other east African mountains, but also it is well accessible with diverse and similar montane vegetational zones bustling with bird and animal wildlife. Various established trails negotiate through caves, lava plains and ridges covered by various vegetational zones ranging from equatorial rain forests, bamboo, afro-montane and grassland sections to reach the caldera jagged summit of Wagagai at 4321m.

These hiking options depends on visitors time and resources but include anything stretching to One-Day and extending up 5-Days covering several peaks that dot these ancient volcanic mountain ranges. Mt. Elgon peaks include • Wagagai also the tallest at 4321m • Kiongo at 4303m • Mubiyi at 4210m • Jackson’s Summit also known as Mt. Masaba to the local Bagisu stands at 4165m.

Short nature walks are also arranged from any of the trail heads catering to dedicated birdwatchers or visitors with short stay.

Hiking Trail Heads and number of Days

  • Budadiri (1250m) trailhead 38km from Mbale via Silonko; this is a 4-Day round trip to Wagagai peak through Sasa trail. Alternative extension up to 5-Day trip including Wagagai peak and the hot springs
  • Sipi Route starting at Kapkwai Visitors center 60km from Mbale town.
  • Piswa Route starting at Kapkwata Visitors center 35km from Kapchorwa and 100km from Mbale town
  • The new Bushiyi route only takes 2-Days to the Wagagai peak and back, hikers are required to stay near the park trail head the nite before the trek. To reach the trailhead follow Tororo-Mbale road turning off left at Bumbobi center towards the park’s ranger post.

Birding Watching at Mt. Elgon NP

Mount Elgon’s broad classes of vegetation across different altitudinal zones include mixed afro-tropical montane, bamboo and moorland zones host up to 350 species of birds mostly true-highland forest species. The most sought after are the colorful Hartlaub’s Turaco, Olive Pigeon, Black-colored Apalis, Golden-winged Sunbird, Hunters Cisticola, Elgon Francolin occurs on high-attitude grasslands, Abyssinian Crimson-wing and more.

Best times To Visit Mt. Elgon

Mt. Elgon can be visited all year but dry season (Jun-Aug and Dec-March) is the best for hikers and  in particular early December when the highland flowers are in boom. The peak rainy months of April and November attracts heavy rains where landsides are common.

Park Entrance and Hiking Fees

Park hiking fees cost 50USD pp per day. Extra fees include a 5USD for a porter (although optional this is highly recommended), tent hire at 5USD per night and 6USD for a cook.

Bushiyi trail head costing a150USD pp is an all-inclusive fee for a short hike one taking in 2-Days to and from the peak.

What to pack for Hiking and Camping at Mt. Elgon

  • Good hiking shoes
  • Rain jackets and ponchos
  • Head torch
  • Extra camera batteries
  • Warm clothes as temps usually fall steeply.
  • Plenty of drinking water on hikes

If you suffer to high altitude sickness, seek your GP advice before travel to recommend you medications.

Adventure on Mt. Elgon and Surrounds

Take a Hiking Adventure to explore the Sipi Falls

Rising on the upper slopes of Mt Elgon, river Sipi originate on the higher slopes to cascade along the steep slopes for over 7km negotiating various cliffs in a series of water falls with a main dropping at 99m at an altitude of 1775m before flowing on the Teso plains. From the village named after river Sipi, varous community guided daily excursions explore the famous Sipi Falls extending on to a highly recommended Arabic Coffee tours across plantations on the fertile Elgon slopes. This major cash crop grown on these Mt. Elgon slopes ranks the best coffee in the world and a tour visitors explore ancient methods applied by local farmers right from the plantation up to brewing and tasting the incredible aroma and also an opportunity to purchase from the farm.

Visit the Pian-Upe Wildlife Reserve

The second biggest protected reserve in Uganda, Pian-Upe reserve spreads over a 2788km2 area north of Mount Elgon. This little explored yet beautiful savanna woodland park is dotted with inselbergs, towering rocky peaked mountain ranges, expansive Acacia-dotted grasslands, broad-leafed woodlands and dry scrub settings protecting some of the rarest mammal species not found anywhere else in Uganda. The rare mammal checklist includes Roan Antelopes, Eland and recently introduced Rothschild Giraffe, Cheetah and Lesser Kudu and a host of other mammals. Birdwatchers will be rewarded with over 400 bird species among them the Fox’s Weaver also Uganda’s only endemic bird but Vitalline Masked Weaver, Yellow-crowned Bishop, Common Ostrich, Karamoja Apalis, Superb Starling, White-headed Buffalo weaver and many interesting species associated with thorny bush and dry scrub.

While at Pian-Upe reserve take a cultural visit to the Ancient semi-nomadic tribes of the Pian the off shoot of the Karimajong, and the Upe also known as the Pokot people in Kenya. A guided community visits to these communities explores diverse and ancient traditions.

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