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Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is Uganda’s smallest national park yet the most scenic protecting the Ugandan side of the three extinct volcanic Virunga mountains ranges. The three extinct volcanic ranges include Mt. Gahinga 3475m, Muhavura 4127m and Sabyinyo 3669m on the Rwanda and DRC boundary. These three volcanic mountains range form part of the 6 extinct and 2 active volcanoes of the Virunga ranges extending in Rwanda and DRC. the park was first gazzetted in the 1930s as a Gorilla sanctuary but up graded to the National Park status in1992 protect a unique eco-system that lies above 2280m line.

Gorilla tracking experience happens to its 1 habituated Mountain gorilla family Nyakagezi and a large population of the endangered Golden monkey (Cercopithecus.n.kandti) an Albertine endemic sometimes lumped and treated as a blue monkey sub specie. Several other mammals include Elephants, Buffalo, Duikers and a 115-species bird checklist that includes 14 of the 24 Albertine Endemics.

Quick Facts

  • Size: 34sq km
  • Altitude: 2280-4127m
  • Mammals: 76 animal species
  • Birds: 115 bird species

Things to do at Mgahinga Gorilla NP

  • Gorilla Tracking Experience

Maghinga Gorilla National Park protects the high-altitude montane forests of the Ugandan three volcanic slopes that’s part of the Virunga chain of mountain ranges that lie in Uganda. Currently one habituated mountain gorilla group call these slopes home, where they range from the secondary growth on the lower altitude of 2650 all the way 4112m on Mt Muhavura. Daily activities start from the visitor’s center at Ntebeko to the home range where gorilla group feeds and get to spend an hour watching their interactions and behavior.

  • Birding Watching

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park lies along the Albertine Endemic region, and hosts about 14 of the 24 endemics recorded in Uganda. 4 globally threatened and 39 afro tropical highland species. The unique vegetation zones that include bamboo zones, heath and high-altitude swamps, and moorland is a great habitat for several species.

Scarlet-tufted Malachite sunbird can be viewed in the flowering red-hot pokers, Rwenzori Turaco, Lagden’s Bush-shrike, Mountain Sooty Boubou, Northern Double-collared Sunbird, Regal Sunbird, Archers Robin Chat, Handsome Francolin and etc. A fruitful trail is the Sabinyo Gorge.

  • Mountain Hiking

Several guided hikes are conducted daily to the 3 different peaks, a reasonable fitness is required along with rain gear good hiking boots. Hikes to Mgahinga and neighboring peaks usually takes a minimum of 6-8 hours to and from and the most challenging yet scenic is to Sabyinyo that takes an 8-9hrs hike. On a hike through the different vegetation you get great landscapes views, variety of birds, Buffalos, Red-fronted Duikers, Bushbuck and Elephants.

  • Golden Monkey Trekking and Habituation Experience

In the bamboo zones of Mgahinga NP is one Albertine Rift Endemic, Golden Monkey a recent split from the Blue Monkey is restricted to the bamboo slopes of this park. A very active and social primate characterized by golden back and cheeks, troops up 40 individuals led by dominant male feed primarily on young bamboo shoots and peaceful occur along the giant mountain gorilla. Daily activities lead out from Ntebeko visitors center.

  • The Batwa Cultural Walk and other guided Nature Walks

At Mgahinga Gorilla NP an excellent cultural experience is along the Batwa Trail. This Batwa trail follows and illustrates ancient foot paths used by these former dwellers, where they hunted, lived and thrived as a community. Along the trail you are taken back in time through various cultural demonstrations and skills that they used in hunting, fire-making, warfare and dances.

At Garama cave compound, the former Batwa chiefdom headquarters, the Batwa illustrate stone age skills and defensive skills they used against their powerful neighboring kingdoms, and entertain visitors in ancient warrior songs, folklore and dances.

Other guided nature walks at Mgahinga NP, include hikes to low altitudes are offered through secondary forest and bamboo edge a very fruitful trails especially to birdwatchers.

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