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Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited is a Ugandan-based tour operator and Destination Management Company (DMC) with it’s head office located in Kampala, Uganda. Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited offers its services as an agent for and on behalf of the client in procuring travel services. Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited shall, under no circumstances, be liable for the acts and omission, loss, damage, accident, or delay caused by the relevant principle concerned.

The applicability of the Terms and conditions of Service

All and any business or contracts undertaken, or advice, information or services rendered by Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited, in connection with the services, whether gratuitous or not, is undertaken and provided in accordance with these standard terms and conditions of service.

Payment Terms for Tour Services

Unless specified otherwise, our tour and travel-related services are quoted in dollars (US/Canadian/Euro) and are based on the cost per person sharing double accommodations.  Single accommodations plan is provided at an additional charge and specified as a Single Room Supplement (SRS).

Once the prices of the tour services have been established and agreed upon by Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited and the client, they will remain unchanged during the validity shown except for any element of local air transportation(in packages where this service is mentioned), which may be affected by later uncontrollable fuel price escalation other costs beyond the company’s control.

For the booking to be considered as confirmed, a deposit payment of a 30% non-refundable payment is required to book. Final payment (70%) should be made sixty (60) days prior to departure.” This enables Untamed Uganda Safaris team to book premier and in-demand activities like Gorilla and Chimpanzee permits well in advance.

Groups Tours

Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited works with both individual/private tours as well as sizable group tours. We will offer a special tariff for groups of 10 or more passengers as agreed upon by both parties.

Acceptance of and Fees for late Reservations

Provided that Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited has received full payment for all included services, reservations for travel arrangements will be accepted up to fourteen days before departure.  Fees for late reservations for travel arrangements are not assessed; however, extraordinary expenses incurred in processing such late billing will be charged to the client.

Included in the Tour Price

An Included in Tour Price covers various highlights, activities and services packages in a given Untamed Uganda Safaris tailored itinerary. Examples mentioned might include, Gorilla/Chimp tracking permit, Accommodation and meal plan, transfer means or other travel services specified in the itinerary.

Not included in Tour Price

Under Not Included in Tour Price, we refer to Items of personal nature, Personal travel insurance, Visas and International Airfare to and from Uganda or Rwanda and other destinations we operate in. In most tailored itineraries, we often allow flexibility to you the traveler to have a choice in extra local activities available in various areas we travel through. These activities are often conducted by communities around attractions that include community walks, mini hikes, biking and more. These Optional activities  are well specified in the itinerary.

Cancellations by Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited

Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited always endeavors to avoid canceling, but we must reserve the right to do so. However, we shall not cancel your confirmed holiday less than 30 days before departure unless you fail to make all payments due in full and on time. In cases of unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control, whose consequences of which we could not have avoided even control with all due care we will be forced to cancel.

If we cancel your holiday in any of the instances mentioned above, (except where you have failed to make a payment or as a result of force majeure) we shall offer you the choice of purchasing an alternative holiday from us of a similar standard to that originally booked if available. If the chosen alternative is less expensive than your original holiday, we shall refund the difference but if it is more expensive, we shall ask you to pay the difference.

Alternatively, you are entitled to a full refund of all monies you have paid to us save that paid for gorilla and chimpanzee permits which can only be refunded if the refund has been made available to us by the government authority concerned in this case Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA).

We reserve the right, without prior notice, to terminate the holiday of any person in your party if, in our opinion or in the opinion of any other person in authority, the persons concerned behave in such a way to cause or be likely to cause danger, annoyance or distress to any third party or damage to property. In this situation, the person(s) concerned will be required to leave the accommodation or other service immediately. We shall have no further responsibility towards such person(s). No refunds will be made and we shall not pay any expenses or costs incurred as a result of the termination.

Cancellations by You

In the instance where you should or any member of your party is forced to cancel, you must advise us or your travel agent in writing regarding the same. If a booking is canceled, the company reserves the right to retain the full deposit of thirty percent. Cancellation is not effective until we receive a copy of your written notice. To cover our estimated loss caused by the cancellation and as we may be unable to resell your holiday, cancellation fees, excluding insurance, will be levied per person as follows:

  • More than 60 Days: Full Deposit
  • Under 59 to 30 days: 40% of the total fare
  • Under 29 to 15 days: 60% of the total fare
  • Under 15 days:  100% of the total fare

The company will not accept responsibility should flights be missed.

Price Increases

All customer quotation forms and customer confirmation forms generated by Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited are based upon external supplier costs such as airfares, airport taxes, fuel surcharges, accommodation, car hire, park fees, and gate fees which are outside of the control of Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited.

These supplier costs are therefore subject to change until final payment has been received or in the instance of air travel until air tickets have been issued. You agree that should any such costs increase; such an increase will be for your account and shall be payable to Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited or as otherwise instructed by Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited.

You also Acknowledge That:

The internal airlines in destinations where operate reserve the right to levy additional or increased airport taxes and fuel charges – without notice – at any stage prior to flight and any such costs increased as a result of an increase effected by the airline will be for the Client’s account and shall be payable to Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited or as otherwise instructed by the airlines

Road transportation companies such as transfer and car rental companies reserve the right to levy additional charges due to fuel price increases and/or government road levies – without notice – at any stage prior to and any such costs increase as a result of an increase effected by the road transportation company will be for the Client’s account and shall be payable to Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited or as otherwise instructed by the road transportation company;

Government/National Bodies, concession owners, and other such parties involved in the running of private or public natural parks reserve the right to levy additional or increased park fees – without notice – at any stage prior to arrival and any such costs increased as a result of an increase effected by such parties will be for the Client’s account and shall be payable to Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited or as otherwise instructed by such parties.

Travel and baggage Rules

The airline carrier(s) concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission, or event during the time passengers are not aboard the aircraft or conveyance. The passenger ticket to be used by the airline concerned shall constitute the sole contract between the airline and the purchase of these tours and/or the passenger.

For domestic flights, a total of 33 lbs. (15 kilograms), plus photographic equipment within reasonable size, is the maximum allowable baggage, and gear should be packed in one soft-sided luggage bag of your choice.  Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited will not be responsible for the carriage of baggage exceeding this limitation nor for storage in the event of offloading. Arrangements for onward forwarding or storage of additional baggage must be made by the client and not the company or otherwise, an agreed rate will be charged for such services.


The itinerary is the written travel schedule prepared by Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited listing the scheduled daily activities and itemizing the travel services purchased, including, but not limited to, hotel accommodations, prepaid meals, and prepaid transportation, including self-driven vehicles and vehicles with a driver, tourist guide or tour leader, sightseeing tours, and prepaid entertainment.  In the event of a difference between the information contained in the brochure and that contained in the itinerary prepared for and delivered to the client, the language of the itinerary shall control.

Tour Package Price

The price of the tour package includes all of the prepaid travel services represented by either quoted itinerary or the proforma invoice provided to the client, together with the charges by Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited for its services in preparing the itinerary.

Until payment in full is received from the client, the cost represented by the itinerary and/ or proforma are subject to change, without advance notice, due to fluctuations in the tariff, exchange rates, and other charges beyond Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited Control and may result in a change of price to the client.

Price does not include charges for passports, visa, inoculations, laundry, liquor, soft drinks and beverages, cover charges, excess baggage charges, travel cancellation or interruption, accident, and baggage insurance, expenses for guides or transportation not included in the itinerary, optional tours and/or activities, any items of a personal nature, any items not specifically listed as included, all international departure taxes, and international fares.

Any charges levied by any of the providers of travel services as cancellation charges will be added to the cancellation charges made by Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited. The client’s failure to appear at the time of departure without prior written notice will result in a cancellation charge equal to 100% of the tour price.

For cancellation charges levied by airlines, refer to airfare fuels or contact your airline.


In the absence of exceptional circumstances, no refunds are given for any unused prepaid services included the tour package or any changes made in the itinerary while en route, including, without exception, changes in hotel accommodations, sightseeing excursions, and transportation services.

A request for a refund must be accompanied by a statement setting forth the claimed exceptional circumstance, the reason for the change in the itinerary, the change made in the itinerary, the reason for the failure to utilize the service provided, the item for which a refund is provided, the item for which a refund is requested, and receipts for the alternative services utilized, if any.


Group organizer, travelers’, and tour participants, individually and jointly, release Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited from any and all liability and responsibility, known or unknown, present or future, for any and all loss, injury to a person, damage to property, or accident, or which may be the result of any delay or change of itinerary, or irregularity connected with the tour package purchased, which is beyond its control, including but not limited to, acts of God, transportation problems, fire, machinery or equipment malfunction or failure, government actions, wars, civil disturbance, labor disputes, riots, thefts, sickness, or weather, and which includes all expenses or damages, direct or consequential, claimed or sustained by group organizers, tour participants, or travelers, who waive their individual rights and waive all claims against Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited based on any claim of negligence by any of the suppliers of services included in the tour package. This release is binding upon group organizers, tour participants, travelers, their representatives, heirs, and assigns.

Travel Documents

Questions concerning details of visa requirements and formalities of obtaining passports and supporting documents are the responsibility of the traveler.

Passports and Visas

It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that passports and visas are valid for the countries visited.

Your passport must have sufficient blank visa pages available in accordance with the regulations of various African countries. A minimum of 2 adjacent blank pages per country to be entered, transited, or visited is recommended. Your passport must be valid for the prescribed period contained in the applicable regulations of the countries you will be entering, transiting &/or visiting. A minimum of 12 months after the travel date is recommended.

If you are traveling alone with minor children, you will need to provide a letter of consent from the absent parent/s that the children can travel with you.

Responsibility Clause

Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited, your travel agent, operators of the tours, and /or suppliers of services acting only as agents for the supplier advise you to be aware that during your participation in a tour, certain risks and dangers may arise including, but not limited to, the hazards of traveling in either the country of origin, destination or through the passage, in undeveloped areas, travel by boat, aircraft or other means of conveyance, the forces of nature, political unrest or other military action and accident or illness in remote regions without means of rapid evacuation or medical facilities.

Also, be aware and clearly understand that Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited will not have liability regarding the provision of medical care or the adequacy of any care that may be rendered and cannot accept any responsibilities for losses or additional expenses due to delay or changes in air schedules or other causes. All such losses or expenses will be the responsibility of the member of the tour, as the rates provided are for the arrangement only at the time stated.

It is understood that Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited will use its best efforts to ensure that all adequate measures are taken to avoid such occurrences. The right is reserved to make minor adjustments to the itinerary and the right is reserved to cancel any tour prior to departure.

Untamed Uganda Safaris Limited may not be held responsible for any loss or damage to luggage, before, during, or after the tour program. The acceptance of final vouchers or tickets shall be deemed to be consent to the above conditions. Passengers will voluntarily participate in these activities with the knowledge of the dangers involved and therefore, agree to accept any risks.

The Company may, at its discretion, and without liability or cost to itself at any time, cancel or terminate the passengers booking, and particular without limiting the generality of the foregoing, it shall be entitled to do so in the event of the illness or the illegal or incompatible behavior of the passenger, who shall in such circumstances not be entitled to any refund.

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