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10 Day Wildlife and Cultural Experience

Trip highlights

  • Chimp tracking in Kibale Np
  • Swamp walk
  • Game drives in QENP
  • Boat Cruise at Kazinga channel
  • Gorilla Trekking at Bwindi
  • Bunyonyi / L. Mutanda canoeing
  • Gorilla and Golden Monkey Tracking
  • Mburo Nature Walk.
  • Equator crossing

Day 1: Transfer to Kibale National Park

We kick off our primates and wildlife trip by driving out Kampala or Entebbe early after breakfast, heading out to western Uganda, the scenic drive through the heart of Central Uganda exposes one to modest and traditional clean homesteads of the Baganda tribe, where small coffee plantations and several fruit trees among others food crops like cassava are cultivated. Then through the historical town of Mubende and finally arriving at the Toro kingdom capital of Fort portal where we will have lunch before we proceed to our Lodge located outside Kibale forest. Accommodation: Kibale Forest Camp FB

Day 2: Chimpanzee Tracking, Swamp walk and cultural experience

This morning after an early breakfast, we drive to the chimp tracking visitors center at Kanyancu where we begin with a group distribution and briefing about the entire experience before we set out the forest at 8:30am, the entire trek takes between 2-4hrs but depending on the mood of the day and luck. From trekking we will proceed to Tinka’s for a local taste on the local dishes then go for the afternoon swamp walk where variety of primates including red-tailed monkey, Red-colobus monkey, Grey-checked Mangabey and variety of birds are encountered on a 2hour walk. We will then get a chance to visit the local community to learn about local culture, farming and traditional coffee brewing methods that date back hundreds of generations back. Accommodation: Kibale Forest Camp FB

Day 3: Transfer to QENP and Boat Cruise on the Kazinga Channel

This morning we take our drive through the scenic crater field of Ndali –Kasenda volcanic epicenter, where a dozen or so craters dot the local landscape a testament of the violent volcanic action that shaped this region. We will have better views of the Rwenzori mountain ranges the largest on the continent before dropping further low in the rift valley that host Queen Elizabeth National Park.  After lunch we will take a boat on Kazinga channel, a shallow 40km natural channel that connects Lakes Gorge and Edward.

The channel water banks host a variety of wildlife including Elephants, Savanna Buffalo Hippo and Nile Crocodile. After a 2-hour cruise we will have an evening game drive exploring scenic crater fields and the grasslands for a chance to see Lion and Leopard on their evening prowl and other local wildlife. Accommodation: Buffalo lodge FB

Day 4: Game Drive and transfer to Ishasha sector of QENP

This morning we further explore the grasslands to hopeful catch the local carnivore hunters before they retreat to dense woodland to escape the hot rift valley sun but also, we will enjoy close views of herds of Kob, Waterbuck, Elephants and others. This park hosts a diverse checklist of birdlife and the savanna woodlands team with life one to look out for is the splendid Martial Eagle, Brown snake Eagle and the beautiful Black-headed Gonolek.

After lunch break, we will transfer to the grasslands of Ishasha sector for a chance to see “Tree climbing lions” a famous local pride that has habitually adapted to lounging in the fig-trees in the mid-afternoon sun, a behavior rarely seen in other prides elsewhere. These plains host also large herds of Topi, Kob, Buffalo and Elephant. Accommodation: Enjojo Camp FB

Day 5: Game Drive and transfer to L.Mutanda

This morning we will again head out early for an early game drive for more encounters of wildlife in the Ishasha plains, there after we head out back to our lodge for an early lunch to proceed our drive to Mgahinga arriving late in the evening. The scenic drive will take us through the northern sector of Bwindi Impenetrable forests, and we will also enjoy great views of tee-hillsides, terraced Kigezi highlands and volcanic peaks of Virunga mountain ranges as they stretch way far across the three international borders. Accommodation: Mutanda Resort FB

Day 6: Gorilla Tracking at Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

This morning we transfer to Gorilla trekking point, where after a short briefing we will be allocated a group of eight and escort rangers for a trek to where a local gorilla family is feeding. A trek which lasts from 1-to 3hours depends on where the gorilla family is located on that particular day. The pace of the trek is dictated by the ranger guide who goes further exposing the rich flora and fauna encountered through various zones on this volcanic mountain ranges. The local gorilla family ranges on the hill sides of this national park so average fitness is required.

On locating the gorilla family strictly One-hour interaction is permitted for the encounter experience. Pretty of drinking water and parked lunch is advised to be carried that day and further advice can be found here on what to pack for a gorilla trekking on this site. Optional Batwa village visit can be arranged that afternoon after trekking to experience the rich culture of the former bush-tribe that once inhabited the montane forests across the Albertine Rift. Accommodation: Mutanda resort FB

Day 7: Golden Tracking and transfer to Bunyonyi

Another endemic primate, the beautiful Golden Monkey occurs on this mountain range associating mainly with the Bamboo that occurs on the 2800m belt across the ranges. Trekking procedures are the same, though the experience is way different. The large characterful troop led by the dominate male usually numbers between 20-50-members comprising of several young and female feeding mainly on bamboo shoots. After trekking we transfer to L. Bunyonyi, a beautiful and scenic island dotted lake that stretches over 25km nested between the steep terraced highlands of Kigezi. Accommodation Bunyonyi Resort

Day 8: Transfer to Lake Mburo National Park

This morning we will drive out of Kigezi heading through the scenic agricultural farmlands of Ankole plains arriving at L. Mburo in the evening for a game drive.

Day 9: Nature Walk and game drive At L. Mburo

After breakfast we will be ed out by a ranger guide on a nature walk through the savanna woodlands of Uganda’s Smallest savanna park, getting eye level experience with the local wildlife. The walk through the park gets us close to feel the real African Wildness, the piercing thorn-bush sounds, the local birdlife and even a close up with the big game that include; herds of Plain Zebra, Impala and the newly introduced Nubian Giraffe flourish in here, the Bushbuck, Waterbuck and the inquisitive yet shy Common Eland, Africa’s biggest Antelope. Evening we will take a drive to explore more of this park.

Day 10: Ankole-long horned Cattle Experience and transfer to Entebbe

We will wind up with a cultural experience at Hima tribe home to enjoy generational relationship between the esteemed royal Ankole-long horned cattle and this unique tribe. We will get hands on with milking, ghee-making and other cultural practices that set these people apart from other tribes. We then transfer to Entebbe with lunch and photo stop at the Equator line crossing.

10 Day Wildlife and Cultural Experience Included

  • Travel in a 4WD tour customized vehicle in accompany of an English Safari Guide and Driver
  • All park entrance fees and activities
  • Accommodation and meal plan as described in the itinerary
  • Safe bottled drinking water in the car

10 Day Wildlife and Cultural Experience Excluded

  • Tips and gratuities
  • Laundry and other personal services
  • Alcoholic drinks or other drinks and meals not mentioned.
  • Air tickets and Visa
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