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One day Rhino Tracking at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, came into close quarters of Africa’s Big 5 species, the rhino in its natural habitat and gain insights within its ecosystem. Lying 100 miles along Gulu-Kampala highway, the 70km2 high security complex of Ziwa spreads over a diverse habitat characterized by wooded grasslands and wetlands where the only population of Rhinos in Uganda today thrives. This wildness complex now hosts up to 35 individuals of Southern White Rhino race (Ceratotherium.s.simum), undergoing a breeding program that will enable the re-introduction of these species in their former grassland home ranges in selected Ugandan national parks.

A Rhino-Walk Experience at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

On this 2-hour guided nature walk, you will explore on foot, up close and personal to the rhino in its natural habitat and gain a different perspective of nature and its inhabitants where your senses come alive as you are able to observe the circle of life as it evolves within the entire ecosystem.

The rhino walking experience starts with a briefing by ranger-guides from the reception compound about conservation efforts undertaken here and safety regulations to observe. On a guided walk through these wooded grasslands, the ranger guides will further point out several markings and tracks and share insights about the social behavior of rhinos including its ecological importance, but also several fauna that occur in this habitat.

The southern rhinos are usually encountered alone especially territorial males whereas female are often in a company of one or two off springs. Adolescent males will form temporary associations till there are mature enough to gain territory. On the walk rangers usually determine how close you can get for your safety after assessing the species activity behavior, for these are wild animals after all!

The wooded grasslands here support other local residents like Kob, Bushbuck, Warthog, Vervet monkey and a rich bird-checklist unique to these woodlands.

The One Day Rhino Tracking Ziwa Sanctuary Tour Includes

  • Transport to and from Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary
  • Drinking water in the car
  • Lunch
  • Park entrance fees


  • Tips and gratuities
  • Accommodation

Itinerary in details of One Day Rhino Tracking Ziwa Sanctuary

Rhino Walk

This morning after breakfast, your driver guide will pick you up from your residence in Kampala/Entebbe for a two and half drive to Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary on Kampala-Gulu highway. Pickup schedule should be between 6-7am to avoid long hours of traffic jam but also to target the most active times of rhinos that offers one better sightings. For these species are more active in the cool hours of the morning/evening and will get into deep thickets for shade to escape the hot sun during the day.

Arriving at the reception rangers will give you a short brief about the activity thereafter begin the walk. For this walking activity, good walking shoes, drinking water, long pants are advised and bring that hat, drinking water, sun-glasses and cream for that hot African sun. The interpretive nature walk stretches up to 2hrs, where guides point out markings, tracks, signs and share insights within this rhino ecosystem. Back at the reception, you will have a hot lunch break and thereafter transfer to Kampala/Entebbe.

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