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Uganda abound with bucket-list of rewarding adventure activities to engage in on a safari whether as a solo traveler or as an entire family. Blessed with all-year-round equatorial weather, friendliest people, Uganda is a well connected country with a great infrastructure of roads, various accommodation plans making exploring here much easy and quick. Although rightly famed for its incredible primate tracking experiences, Uganda offers an ultimate off-the-beaten-track experiences unrivalled in the region. Let us dive in things to do on a Safari in this pearl of Africa.

Top Uganda Safari Highlights

  • Trek along the Mountain Gorilla and the Chimpanzee

Ranking on top on Uganda safari highlights is a rewarding trek experience along the big apes, the mountain gorillas and chimpanzee in their native rainforest home here. The experience brings you these closest cousins to man in their natural rainforest homes is often dubbed as the most humbling experience ever! The inexplainable connection on a face-to-face interaction with these apes, the feeling as the mighty and bulky Silverback staring down on you from the dense foliage in the misty rain forests, the excitement hoots, cries and screams from the Chimp community as it feeds up in ripen fig canopies stays and sticks for a lifetime.

Uganda protects half of the global population of the endangered Mountain Gorilla (Gorilla. g. beringei) in two pristine montane forests of Mgahinga Gorilla NP and the UNESCO heritage site of Bwindi Forest NP in the south-west part of the country of which a fraction of these families is habituated for trekking experience.

The smaller charismatic Chimpanzee (P. t schweininfurthi) occur in several Uganda’s rainforests with Kibale NP also known as the primates capital offering excellent experience.

The next exciting experience is a gentle hike on the volcanic slopes in the Mgahinga NP to get close to the Golden Monkeys (Cercopithecus. n. kandti) in their bamboo home. Living in alpha male led troops up to 100 individuals, this charismatic and mobile primate is endemic to Virunga Mountain ranges with Mgahinga NP on the Uganda’s side hosting the largest populations in its range. At Mgahinga NP bamboo slopes it’s the only monkey occurring near its bigger distant relative the Mountain Gorilla.

  • Take a Big-5 Uganda Safari Wildlife Experience

Uganda’s savanna and wilderness national parks offers an ultimate African Wildlife experience to encounter the Big-5 wildlife and a variety of other game. Uganda stands out for its diversity of game-rich habitats and less-crowds of tourists make it an wildlife experience here personal. Uganda’s national parks are characterized by savanna grasslands and woodlands, wetlands, open water and forests, providing an-all-round incredible wildlife experience. Visitors to these Uganda national parks can undertake a variety of activities including game drives experiences, guided nature-walks, birding and  boat cruises.

On top of Uganda’s must-visit national parks is the remote  Kidepo Valley National Park a true African wilderness boasting an incredible diversity of game including its a-thousand-strong herds of Cape buffalo, Cheater, Leopard, Lions and more.  The expansive Borassus palm-dotted Murchison Falls NP is Uganda’s biggest park popular for its iconic boat cruise on the river Nile to behold the fierce Murchison Falls that occur here. The park also boast the largest population of the endangered Nubian Giraffe and Uganda Kob along the Lion, Leopard, Lelwel Hartebeest and more.

In the west, explore the Queen Elizabeth NP for its herds of savanna Elephants, the Kyambura underground forest gorge with Chimps, the hippo-fested Kazinga Channel and in the parks southern sector, watch the notorious prides of climbing Lion of Ishasha lounging in fig trees overlooking their vast savanna domain, while in the smallest savanna park of L. Mbulo watch or better still walk up close with herds of Plains Zebra, Eland, thousands of Impalas, Topi and Giraffe.

Crown off your Big 5 list with a guided walk along the endangered Rhinos at Ziwa Rhino sanctuary in their natural home.

  • White Water Rafting on the ancient River Nile

For adventure thrill seekers, the world-class white-water Nile rapids at Jinja present the ultimate challenge. Near its source, the Nile negotiates several rocks creating world class rapids internationally graded from Grade 1 all the way to Grade 5. Several extra grades exist but are considered beyond adventure and considered professional extreme. Daring these rapids include rafting and kayaking all in a company of well-trained safety guides stretching from half a day (4hrs) to full day (7hrs) with lunch break action. No swimming experience or fitness levels is required.

  • Explore Uganda’s Untamed Culture

A better way to learn about a destination, is to interact with the its people. Experience the authentic Ugandan hospitality and diversity by exploring its various cultures and traditions.

Uganda is the most diverse country on the continent with over 50 tribes, each with its culture, traditions and speaking over 30 local languages in between them with Luganda widely spoken along with Swahili and English being the official language. Combine your Uganda safari with an immersive cultural experience to learn of ancient cultural and historical heritage of the local people. A cultural tour is an interactive experience where you connect with ordinary folks giving you a chance to participate in their day-to-day lifestyle whether on a dance, testing a variety of cuisines or art.

  • Come Birding in Uganda – Meet the Shoebill

Uganda is a prime birding top destination with a 1080 specie checklist (this is 50% of Africa checklist) for its size that includes regional endemics and the prehistoric Shoebill. The diversity of bird species is due to Uganda’s geographic location at the confluence of Africa’s bird-rich habitat that converge here. These habitats include montane and rainforests that lie within the Albertine Rift known for the 25 Albertine Endemics and a wide biodiversity of flora and fauna. Uganda protects extensive tropical and lowland forests that are stocked with Congo-Guinea biome specialists on their eastern range limit while semi-arid scrub and thorny country of north-east of Uganda host several of Somali biome restricted specialists come to the edge of their range limit. Other bird-rich habitats include swamps, extensive wetlands and open water that host a plethora of bird species.

  • Go Adventurous on Hiking and Mountaineering

Whether you are a professional mountaineer or an adventure enthusiast Uganda abounds with hiking and mountaineering options to suit one’s time, budget and of course fitness levels. Activities include 8-9 Day full hikes to the country’s highest peak of 5010m at Margherita on the Rwenzori Mountain ranges in the west to 3-4 Day hikes to 4321m peak on Mt Elgon in the eastern part of Uganda.

Shorter hikes from Full-Day hikes are available on all other mountain ranges in the country.  The vegetation zones on these mountain ranges host several regional endemic birds, butterflies and primates.

  • Explore the Vibrant Kampala City

The bustling city of Kampala is Uganda’s business, political and cultural capital, a melting pot of ancient and modernity where on a normal week day up to 4m people are busy transacting business.  From the extra business down-town, to fresh fruit and food filled markets, towering arcades, to narrow busy streets, Kampala is as diverse as its people and suburbs.

The equatorial climate favors average daily temps of up to 27-290C offering options to explore on foot. Eat out from its numerous eating points and taste the fresh produce from across the country. Practice your bargaining skills as you go shopping in the busy down town, visit colorful food markets and exchange smiles with locals on their daily lifestyle. Learn about Kampala’s century old history ranging from its political, cultural and religious heritage as you visit the king’s palace, national Museum and other places of interest.

In the evening join up the local Kampalans to chill away the evening in several street nightlife spots and learn why Kampala is cerebrated as East Africa’s best nightlife city.

  • Take just a Scenery Road Trip throughout Uganda

Uganda’s geological location between the two Africa’s rift valley arms and along the equator makes it an-year-round holiday destination for its conducive weather shaped and dictated by various topographic features from highest mountain ranges on the continent to Africa’s biggest inland sea, Lake Victoria also the source of the Nile. On a guided road-trip across this beautiful land, you will enjoy the scenic features from crater lakes hemmed in by towering terraced mountain ranges, rolling hills, mountain ranges, tropical rainforests, rocky outcrops and tea hill sides. Stop to admire, interact and shop in bustling small upcountry towns, learn of ancient local traditions, sit out and exchange smiles and taste the local delicacies of Uganda’s diverse cultural heritage.

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